Workers urged to uphold tenets of public service

Mr Cyril Dzinyanu Xatse, Chartered Human Resource Management Practitioner, has urged public sector employees to uphold the tenets of public service, particularly the dimensions of employee public service motivation. These include compassion, self-sacrifice, attraction to policy-making and commitment to the public interest. Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr. Xatse also the Head of Human Resource at the Eastern Regional Coordinating Council, emphasized the importance of self-sacrifice, saying it prioritised the needs of the public or the organization over personal benefits/ interests. ' I believe that employees high in self-sacrifice are willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good of the public or their respective organizations,' he indicated. He highlighted the significance of compassion in the public sector, which involved having genuine empathy and concern for others that led to the improvement and the well-being of communities or individuals they interact with through their work. He said, 'Prioritizing the public interest over organizational or personal interests helps workers demonstrate a strong sense of integrity and duty in carrying out their public service responsibilities which are guided by ethical principles.' He reminded public servants that the Ghana Public Services served as a vital pillar in the nation's governance structure, directly responsible for delivering essential services to its diverse population. Source: Ghana News Agency