We will deal with those who damage the image of our football – GFA President

Mr. Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku, President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) says sanctions will be taken against individuals who interfere in association's administration to damage the image of the football ecosystem.

He described this as a canker which the GFA was working hand in hand with other agencies to fish out perpetrators who go about spreading falsehood.

The GFA President said this whilst speaking at the 29th Ordinary Congress at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi.

'There have been attempts by people within the football ecosystem, to always nicodemously go into the administrative part of our game, fish out documents, and push them into the public space to malign people and damage the image of our sports.'

Mr. Okraku noted that despite the agenda by some individuals to tarnish his image, there was a need to consider the consequences it would have on the country's football brand.

'In recent times, people have used phones to take photographs of photos within the FA and same have been reported to the security agencies and soon people will be brought to justice,' he said.

He noted that in order to help revive the love Ghanaians have for football, there was a need to come together to make individual contributions rather than destroying its image.

The GFA President said he was keen on developing football to the highest level following the successes he has achieved over the previous years.

Source: Ghana News Agency