“We have to create greater capacity at the local level in the fisheries sector” – MM, Abraão Vicente

This first meeting aimed to make a diagnosis of the sea sector, as well as to set goals, objectives, so that it is seen as an economic sector that adds value to the market.

The Minister of the Sea, Abraão Vicente, met for the first time with the mayor of Santa Cruz, Carlos Silva, and his team to discuss the challenges and potential of the fishing sector in that municipality, also known as the "whiting".

This first meeting aimed to make a diagnosis of the sea sector, as well as to set goals, objectives, so that it is seen as an economic sector that adds value to the market.

“We want to propose a radical change in the paradigm of the fishing sector. For that, we need to be aligned and together, since, if well managed, it will be a very profitable sector”, said the official during the meeting.

Cape Verde is 99% sea. This is known to all Cape Verdeans and those who choose Cape Verde to live. For this reason, the Minister of the Sea has been appealing for us to look at the sea with greater ambition, to know this natural wealth of ours with a different look, a more ambitious look.

However, he believes that, for this ambition to be achieved, it is necessary to “create greater capacity at the local level in the fisheries sector”.

More investments, training and qualification of young people, men and women who work at sea, creation of conditions for capture, landing, handling, transport and conservation, new navigation technologies, are some of the points discussed at this meeting.

The mayor of Santa Cruz thanked this first visit of the new Minister of the Sea to the municipality and the demonstration of openness to leverage the blue economy together.

In the end, the CMSC presented the program/project to promote the development of the Circular and Sustainable Blue Economy in the Municipality of Santa Cruz to the Minister of the Sea and his team.

On this trip, the official was accompanied by the Delegate of the Ministry of the Sea for the South Region, Vera Gominho and the National Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Albertino Martins.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde