Vera Duarte receives Guerra Junqueiro Literary Prize Lusofonia 2021 award

Cabo Verdean writer Vera Duarte Pina receives the Guerra Junqueiro Literary Prize Lusofonia 2021 award in October 22, in recognition of her “struggle in literary and cultural activism on human rights”.

This award is promoted within the scope of the Freixo International Literature Festival, a cultural reference event for literature in Portuguese. Established since 2017 in Portugal, the first prize was awarded to Manuel Alegre, followed by Nuno Júdice in 2018 and José Jorge Letria in 2019.

Also in 2020, the prize was extended to the other Portuguese-speaking Countries, and was the President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, awarded this award.

This year, in addition to Vera Duarte, they were awarded the Guerra Junqueiro Literary Prize Lusofonia, Albertino Bragança (Sao Tome and Príncipe), Abraão Bezerra Batista (Brazil) Abdulai Sila (Guinea-Bissau), Luís Carlos Patraquim (Mozambique), Agustín Nze Nfumu (Equatorial Guinea), João Tala (Angola) and Xanana Gusmão (East Timor).

Source: Inforpress