Union accuses mayor of São Domingos of “abusing power and mistreating its employees” (with audio)

The president of SIACSA today accused the mayor of São Domingos, Isaías Varela, of “abuse of power” for “mistreating his employees” and “not complying with agreements signed” with the union.

The indictment of the president of the General Food, Civil Construction and Related Industry Union (SIACSA), Gilberto Lima, was made to Inforpress, on the sidelines of the peaceful demonstration held today in front of the São Domingos Town Hall building.

On the posters of the demonstration against the alleged mobility of employees and non-compliance with agreements signed at the headquarters of the Directorate-General for Labour, workers called for “more justice, better wages, respect and better working conditions”, among others.

The union leader stated that the mayor of São Domingos “is not concerned” with solving the problems that affect the municipality, accusing him of being “an outlawed president who does not understand anything about municipal management”.

“We are facing a mayor who does not know anything about management because if he had knowledge of management, he should have already solved the problems related to sanitation that need a little bit of everything, from protective materials, risk allowances for workload, from firefighters who have been in the recent times for illegal form mobility”, he indicated.

According to the unionist, the situation experienced by the São Domingos City Council officials is a counterproductive situation, which, however, he hopes to be resolved with the intervention of the courts and the Justice Ombudsman.

“We are facing a situation of abuse of power, putting people on shelves, even removing computers from monitors who worked in the delegations of this chamber, we are facing a situation of immeasurable reprisal”, he added, regretting, however, the fact that the 72 workers not having joined the demonstration for “fear of reprisals” currently existing in the chamber.

Gilberto Lima urged Isaías Varela to comply with the agreements signed with SIACSA at the Directorate-General for Labor and to pay the union the quotas that are overdue, adding, on the other hand, that he tried several times to dialogue with the mayor about the pending issues. and the “illegal mobility of a union leader”, but that this was not possible.

“The central issue has to do with the signed agreements for professional career advancement, creating better living conditions for these professionals, including these firefighters, and sending a union leader, as a firefighter, to go to work on the Variant, it is against the law,” he stressed. , remembering that a worker can only be transferred when there is an agreement between the parties involved.

Source: Inforpress