Ulisses Correia e Silva confirms installation of the Military Aeronautical Authority and acquisition of aircraft for the Coast Guard in 2023

The reinforcement of naval resources with the reception of two more semi-rigid vessels and equipment shortly, as a result of cooperation with Portugal", or the new format of the Citizen Soldier Programme, "with the reinforcement of professional training and coverage of a greater number of young soldiers , preparing them for employability” will also be the good news for 2023.

The installation, for the first time, of the Military Aeronautical Authority and the acquisition of an aircraft for the Coast Guard will be a reality in 2023, as confirmed by the Prime Minister, during his visit this afternoon to the General Staff of the Armed Forces, in Praia, to present the greetings of the new year.

Ulisses Correia e Silva announced these and other novelties that are being worked on to be implemented by the Government later this year. Like the entry into operation of the Multinational Center for Maritime Coordination in Zone G, “which places Cape Verde at the center of a strategic architecture for security in the Gulf of Guinea region”.

“The reinforcement of naval resources with the reception of two more semi-rigid vessels and equipment shortly, as a result of cooperation with Portugal”, or the new format of the Citizenship Programme, “with the reinforcement of professional training and coverage of a greater number of young people soldiers, preparing them for employability” will also be the good news for 2023.

The Head of Government also announced the strengthening of cooperation in the field of Defence, the Reform of Military Justice, the Regulation of the Military Health Service and the start of construction of the Infirmary at the Military Instruction Centre, among other aspects that will be improved in the coming years. months, such as monitoring compliance with the provisions of the New Military Statute, and consolidating the Detachment on Ilha Brava, complying with the provisions of the Coast Guard Strategic Plan.

But this visit mainly served to thank the Armed Forces “for all the work done in favor of the development and well-being of Cape Verde, in its national defense mission, carrying out inspection actions in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cape Verde; in action during the Covid-19 pandemic and support for logistics and vaccination actions, and in the quick and professional response with the installation of the Military Detachment and the Naval Unit on the island of Brava, among other actions”.

"It was also a moment to reinforce the Government's engagement in continuing to invest in the Armed Forces and in Reforms, so that this military institution remains up to the challenges of the country", he underlined, reiterating "the total confidence in the Armed Forces of Cape Verde".

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde