Theatre: Fladu Fla Group prepares national presentation of the play “Chiquinho”

The president of the Fladu Fla theater company said today, in the City of Praia, all municipalities of Cabo Verde have already expressed interest in receiving the show of the play “Chiquinho” in their municipalities, and the group is currently preparing the tours.

Sabino Baesa, group’s president, made these statements to Inforpress, on the sidelines of the press conference on the replacement of the show “Chiquinho”, adaptation of the work “Chiquinho” by the writer Baltazar Lopes da Silva, which will take place in the Jorge Barbosa National Auditorium on September 12, due to the success was the first show.

Baesa also stated that the play is the result of a co-production with the theater group Chão de Oliva, from Sintra, Portugal, established in 2017, at the Atlantic Festival held in Cabo Verde.

“In view of the success was the premiere and replacement made on the 26th, the Minister understands that more people should watch the play Chiquinho, to see the impact the adaptation of the work to the theater has on the dynamics to encouraging the new generation to practice reading and to promote the knowledge of our identity and our culture”, he said.

Source: Inforpress