The project “Djuntu pa igualdadi” leaves tools to help fill gaps in the implementation of the GBV law – coordinator

The coordinator of the project “Djuntu pa igualdadi!” (Together for equality) considered this Monday that with the tools left, both to institutions and civil society, they can fill gaps in the implementation of the GBV law.

Débora Cristina Vera-Cruz was speaking to the press, in Praia, as part of the closing of the project “Djuntu pa Igualdadi! A participatory response to gender-based violence in Cape Verde”.

“The action plan we made during those three years presents a set of gaps that still exist in the law, and, in this plan, the responsibilities are specified. Every organization or institution and civil society knows what their role is at this moment, so I hope that all the problems that we have not been able to solve, over these years, that we can now solve because we leave tools that make it possible for the work to be done”, said.

Débora Cristina Vera-Cruz also pointed out that during those years the project carried out training work with various institutions in the country, from high school students, lawyers, journalists, police and the health area, which included 18 institutions in the archipelago and contributed “considerably” to identify the problems.

Source: Inforpress