The Government intends to assign the name of the National Stadium to King “Pelé”

Ulisses Correia e Silva justifies this decision by the fact that Cape Verde and Brazil have a history and culture “that go hand in hand, considering that they are two sister countries, linked by language and by very similar identities”.

The Government of Cape Verde decided to honor “King Pelé” by assigning his name to the National Stadium, located in Monte Vaca, on the island of Santiago. The announcement was made a moment ago by the Prime Minister on his official Facebook page.

Ulisses Correia e Silva justifies this decision by the fact that Cape Verde and Brazil have a history and culture “that go hand in hand, considering that they are two sister countries, linked by language and by very similar identities”.

And with the physical disappearance of Edson Arantes de Nascimento, King Pelé, born a Brazilian citizen, he who soon became a planetary figure, mass icon demonstrating that Sport has the power to unite the world, “now it is our desire to honor him him,” he said.

“Pelé was and will always be a reference in Brazil, in our Portuguese-speaking world and in the rest of the world, being an idol that connects several generations”, added the Head of Government.

“As a tribute and recognition to this figure who makes us all great, I manifest the intention (of the Government) to name our National Stadium, as 'Pele Stadium', in an initiative to which, I believe, that several countries around the world will accompany us”, underlined.

The Executive has already communicated this intention to FIFA, as it was that Institution that manages world football that launched the challenge, and that, now, the Government aims to be able to carry out this symbolic act soon.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde