The company Águas de Santo Antão launched until December by the Prime Minister

The Inter-municipal Water and Sanitation company, Águas de Santo Antão, will be launched between the months of November and December, in an act that will be chaired by the Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva.

The information was provided by the president of the Association of Municipalities of Santo Antão, Aníbal Fonseca, who explained that the company Águas de Santo Antão will be “a company of the size of the island to provide a better service” in terms of water and sanitation to the populations.

“Later this year, with the visit of the Prime Minister, who will come to Santo Antão between November and December, we will create the Inter-municipal Water and Sanitation company, a company of the size of the island to provide better service to the communities”, noted this mayor.

The entry into operation of Águas de Santo Antão is welcomed by the Porto Novo City Council, according to Aníbal Fonseca, as it will make it possible to “stay off the debts” of this municipality with the company Águas do Porto Novo (APN), resulting from the Water supply.

Source: Inforpress