Telecommunications: ARME has additional powers in relation to infrastructure sharing – President

The Multisectoral Economic Regulatory Agency (ARME) now has additional powers in relation to the telecommunications infrastructures sharing, assigned under the new telecommunications law, in force for about a month.

According to the ARME’s president, Isaías da Rosa Barreto, the amendment to Legislative Decree 7/2005 has given the entity he runs more powers for a fuller intervention in the sector.

Isaías Barreto da Rosa, who was speaking to Inforpress on the occasion of the World Telecommunications Day celebration, which is observed today, indicated this new legislation brought many novelties to electronic communications, starting forthwith imposition of functional separation in terms of the incumbent operator and the infrastructure sharing.

“Before, there was some limitation from a legal point of view, of what we could do from infrastructure. The new law will give the regulatory authority additional powers with regard to infrastructure and, of course, we will move forward on this, because the infrastructure sharing is essential”, he stressed.

Source: Inforpress