Tarrafal de Santiago: Councilwoman gives “very positive” balance of 1st Municipal Youth Week

The councilor for Youth, Culture and Sports of the Municipality of Tarrafal de Santiago, Teresa Ramos, said today that the balance of the first Municipal Youth Week, which ended this Friday, is “very positive ”.

“The balance is quite positive, not only from the chamber but also from the youth themselves, who defended that this is an activity that should always be carried out”, said the mayor, who highlighted the “huge impact” of the event within the youth group. .

“We believe that we can get our message across and that we touch our target audience. We believe that this activity will bring some social change within the Tarrafalense youth”, said Teresa Ramos.

Taking into account that, according to her, because of the dispersion of the localities, many young people were unable to participate in this week dedicated to Tarrafalense youth, she assured that the event will be held annually so that young people from all communities in this municipality in the interior of Santiago can have the same opportunities as those in the city center, Chão Bom, Tenda and others that were represented.

From the event, he highlighted “real testimonies” which, he recalled, were not in the program but that, however, at the end of each lecture there was always a young man who asked to give his testimony on the subject in question, about teenage pregnancy, drugs and alcohol.

In his opinion, this delivery and dynamics of young people, in particular of these “real testimonies”, will serve to alert others about the social evils that are within this youth layer and that are sometimes classified as “normal” and practiced by influence.

The event, which took place at the Mercado do Artesanato e Cultura and took place under the motto “a healthy mind in a healthy body” aimed to “raise awareness, train and inform young people from Tarrafal, as a way to together identify new horizons and trace paths to the future”.

“Reproductive health”, “consequence of early pregnancy in the lives of young people”, “sports in lifestyles”, “alcohol and drugs and their social harm”, “drug addiction in youth”, “youth and success”, ” inclusion in youth”, “impact of the new coronavirus on youth”, “women and society” and “gender-based violence” are some of the topics discussed from the 14th to the 18th of June.

For a week, a set of good practices and actions were promoted that lead successful young people, testimonies of overcoming difficulties, training actions, open conversations, games, walks and many other activities, thus seeking to show and encourage good practices and conscious and sensible action of a good citizen.

Source: Inforpress