TACV’s CEO confirms delay in payment of salaries but denies lack of communication

TACV’s chairman of the board of directors (CEO), Sara Pires, confirmed the delay in paying salaries for January, denying the reported lack of communication on the matter with employees and Unions.

Sara Pires reacted to Inforpress, via WhatsApp, to the news in which the president of the Union for Industry, Transport, Telecommunications, Hospitality and Tourism (Sitthur), Carlos Lopes, expressed himself “deeply concerned” with a systematic delay in the payment of TACV workers’ salaries and considered “unacceptable” the silence of the company and the Government for the non-regularization of the situation regarding January.

“There are some points in the news that came out that need to be clarified, which have to do with the communication from the board of directors to the workers,” said Sara Pires, stating that on the subject have already come out two communications to workers, via corporate email.

The announcements were sent by TACV’s human resources department, one of which was sent on January 30, “the date usually the wages are processed”, informing workers that the payment of salary for January would be late.

Source: Inforpress