Swimming: Federation ranks for historic the Cabo Verde participation in African championship

Cabo Verde finished the 14th African Swimming Championships in Ghana in the sixth position of the global senior ranking and 10th junior global position, in a total of 40 participating countries, with Jayla de Pina collecting three bronze medals.

A classification considered historical by the president of the Cabo Verdean Swimming Federation, Avelino Bonifacio, for whom the result exceeded all expectations.

Cabo Verde led the sport’s largest delegation to an international event, with six athletes, including three female and many male, with the particularity of the country having participated for the first time, in a mixed competition event with athletes Troy Pina, Érica Soares, Aílton Rosy Lima and Latroya Pina.

Resident athletes Aílton and Stiven Lima debut in an international competition and have improved their rankings in times and results, as well as the overall ranking of the country.

In The Open Water, replaced by 3.000 meters in swimming pool for safety reasons, Cabo Verde, according to FCN, achieved “excellent results” with athletes Ailton Rosy Lima and Stiven reaching the 10th and 13th places, respectively.

Source: Inforpress