SOS Children’s Villages International want to strengthen relations with Cabo Verde

The SOS Children’s Villages Internationa intend to strengthen cooperation with Cabo Verde in the protection of children without parental care and abandoned, its president, Dereje Wordofe, announced on Monday inthe City of Praia.


The intention was expressed to the press, after a meeting with the President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, to address issues related to the functioning of the institution, but also linked to the family, childhood and youth.


“We have been here [in Cabo Verde] for several years working with children, especially those without parental care and abandoned, and we discussed how to strengthen this cooperation and reach children who use alcohol and ssexually abused” he said.


The president of SOS Children’s Villages International added that this meeting with the Cabo Verdean Head of State also served to discuss how best to tackle poverty, the parental legal responsibilities, create the conditions to make families stronger and children’s rights.


Source: Inforpress

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