Sort waste at source is the first step to improve hospital waste management – Trainer

Sort waste at source is the first step to improve the hospital waste management, said Wednesday the engineer Neusa Brito, at the end of the training course of focal points for the hospital waste management, carried out by the INSP.


“Everything goes through sort waste at source. If we have an adequate sort waste at source, all other processes will be facilitated”, she explained.


Neusa Brito, who spoke as a trainer, said that this training, which had the participation of focal points from all health structures and representatives of the municipalities, in a face-to-face and online modality, important aspects emerged that will help health structures in the management of these materials produced in their activities.


“From here came important aspects such as fixing the focal point in each structure for the hospital waste management, what responsibilities, what are the tasks, what it should do to help its structure in the field of hospital waste management”, she pointed out.


Neusa Brito also said that the trainees come out with the notion of a plan that conforms to each type of structure, from the health posts to the hospitals.


Source: Inforpress

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