Singer Lyzandra Gomes launches “Nha Viagem” on digital platforms

Singer Lyzandra Gomes already has available, on all digital platforms, the video clip of her first single entitled “Nha Viagem”, a composition by singer-songwriter Ary Kueka.

To Inforpress the singer revealed that she grew up in the island of Madeira, Portugal, where from an early age she began to take her first steps in the world of music, performing in hotels and music houses. According to her, she sang the most different types of music being considered “the girl of the versatile voice”.

“Nha Viagem”, by the “great” Cabo Verdean composer Ary Kueka, whose rhythm is traditional with innovation, talks in a certain way about the walk of a generation where Lyzandra Gomes “sees herself”.

Speaking to Inforpress, the singer explained her coming to Cabo Verde, City of Mindelo, where she has lived for almost three years, as a “calling”. She foresees, soon, the release of her first album and promised to give more information later.

Source: Inforpress