Sindprof calls for compliance with procedural procedures in the hiring of new teachers

The National Union of Teachers (Sindep) asked the Ministry of Education on Wednesday to comply with procedural procedures in hiring new teachers, creating links with those who have been approved in teacher recruitment tenders.

In a press release, Sindep said that in the last visits made to some municipalities in the Santiago island, found out on the ground there are many teachers with contracts to provide services, when there are still many candidates approved in the tender 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 and they were never called to work.

“Many of these teachers, approved in the tender 2019/2020, have provided services several times without ever being called to sign a contract which would bind the public administration, as it should be, under the regulations/procedures”, exemplified the union.

In addition, according to Sindep, many of these teachers who are providing service are doing so outside their subject areas, while there are candidates on the waiting list with specific training in those areas.

Source: Inforpress