Senior University marks first anniversary with focus on recreational, academic and citizenship areas

The Senior University of Cabo Verde (Uni-Sénior), aimed at Cape Verdean citizens over 60 years old, starts this Friday the commemorative activities of its first anniversary, which is celebrated on March 25, with a socio-cultural event in this city.

The ceremony will take place in one of the hotel units in the capital, where this Non-Governmental Organization, dedicated to voluntary work, aimed at promoting recreational, academic, citizenship and civic intervention activities for citizens of this age group, will proceed with the assessment of the first year of its operation, gains and achievements.

To Inforpress, the president of the Senior University Board of Directors, Crispina Gomes, said that the highlight of this whole celebration will be the central act idealized for April of the current year. Whatever, the first point of the campaign starts this Friday with a conviviality, involving potential partners and donors, in a ceremony that will have the Deputy Prime Minister, Olavo Correia, as a special guest.

The occasion, she added, will also be used to publicize this year’s programming, covering the three areas of intervention, namely academic (continuity of short-term courses), recreational (various workshops, cuisine among other offers) and citizenship (a set of conferences focusing on people over 50 years old).

Source: Inforpress