São Vicente: President of Mindelact represents Cabo Verde at the 1st International Congress of Spectators Theatre in Barcelona

The president of the Mindelact Artistic and Cultural Association, João Branco, will represent the Cabo Verdean theater at the 1st International Congress of Theatre Spectators, which will take place from October 24 to 26 in Barcelona, Spain.


This information was announced in an interview with Inforpress by the president of Mindelact, João Branco, for whom the invitation to be among the 50 invited to this event is due to the work that Mindelact has been developing in Cabo Verde since the 1990s.


“There are 50 invited spectators from 25 countries from all continents who will meet at this congress. The great novelty is that it is the first time in the history of theater, in the world, that there is an international congress specifically dedicated to the spectators issue, to the other side of the theater, to whom receives the work of art”, clarified João Branco who is also a programmer, researcher and director of performing arts.


According to the same source, the International Congress of Theater Spectators has as main objective the exchange and sharing of experiences between people who are not only in the place of the spectators, but also contributed to a very large evolution from the point of view of increasing interest in the theater in the places where they develop their activities.


Source: Inforpress

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