São Vicente: Memorandum to give “working conditions and dignity” to councillors signed

A team of three councilors of São Vicente will prepare a memorandum of understanding, which will be signed at the next City Hall meeting, to “give working conditions and dignity” to the councilors of PAICV and UCID.

This information was forwarded to Inforpress by the Councilman for External Relations and Cooperation, elected by the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV), Albertino Graça, after an ordinary session of the City Hall he convened for this Thursday, the 20th. This is under Article 91(1), Article 46(2) and Article 64 (Omission of the President) of the law approving the Statute of Municipalities.

“Our meeting went well, this time we deliberated and reached the this decision. The important thing was the points strangled the City Hall, in our opinion, namely the working conditions for the councillors and the powers was decided”, he said.

After this understanding, said the same source, a team of three councilors of which he is part, in addition to councilors Rodrigo Rendall, elected by the Movement for Democracy (MpD) and Samuel Santos, elected by the Independent and Democratic Cabo Verdean Union (UCID), will work in a memorandum will define working conditions and the delegation of powers for elected officials who do not belong to the same party of Mayor Augusto Neves.

Source: Inforpress