São Vicente: Mandingas finalize preparations for Carnival “burial” on Sunday

Mandinga groups from Ribeira Bote and Fonte Filipe, in Mindelo, are in the final preparations for the Carnival “burial” on Sunday 26, with the participation of over one hundred men and women in black.

The tradition, which has been carried out for years in São Vicente, is repeated again after two years of interregnum due to the covid-19 pandemic and, according to those responsible, promises to be “very lively” and with the participation of thousands of people.

As confirmed to Inforpress, the President of the Mandingas from Ribeira Bote, Nilton Rodrigues, there are in greater numbers, already have “almost everything” ready for the parade, which will be held together with the Mandingas from Fonte Filipe.

For Nilton Rodrigues, also known as Tau, this is certainly the most anticipated fashion show for men and women in black and petticoats, due to the “impact” on the people it mobilizes and all the emotions it brings, “joy and euphoria, but also of some sadness for the farewell”.

Source: Inforpress