São Vicente: ITCV administrator says he is optimistic about the contribution the new hotel will make in terms of job creation

The administrator of the Cabo Verde Tourism Institute (ITCV) assured that he is optimistic about the contribution the Luna Boutique Hotel, inaugurated this Saturday in São Vicente, can make to job creation, especially in the young layer.


Francisco Martins spoke at the opening ceremony, held this afternoon in Mindelo, and admitted that the project has a “resounding meaning”, not only because it comes from the national business, which always manages to be “resilient and entrepreneurial”, but also by the risk taken.


So the same source is optimistic about the contribution the new hotel will make in terms of job creation.


“It will always make a big difference in what is the creation of jobs for the young layer in Cabo Verde,” he said, adding that São Vicente will have by the end of the year about 2.150 beds with the ventures built and under construction.


In Luna’s case, he said, it will contribute about three dozen beds.


The person in charge also emphasised the need to turn to internal tourism and for which São Vicente has “many attractions”.


Source: Inforpress


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