São Vicente: Hotels and guesthouses with 100% occupancy and full flights to Carnival

One week before Carnival, tourist establishments in São Vicente are 100 percent full and there are no longer plane tickets for those who want to travel to the island because the flights are full.

This information was verified by Inforpress in the hotel and residential units of the island, mainly in the center of Mindelo city, which, from Friday, enters the frenzy with the beginning of the parades of animation groups, from the peripheral areas, the gardens, compulsory primary and secondary schools. In addition, even organizations and institutions are kind of pre-warming up for the official Carnival parade on Tuesday 21 February.

In hotels located exactly on the parade route, such as the Hotel Porto Grande, the Mindelo Hotel and the Dom Paco, they informed that the occupancy rate is 100%, with no availability for those who want to see Carnival pass from their room window.

At the Santa Cruz Boutique Hotel, on São João road, the occupancy rate is 70%, expected to reach 100% from Saturday 18, until Wednesday 22.

Source: Inforpress