São Vicente: CCB repudiates “any attempt to instrumentalize” Carnival with fees to the businesspersons

The president of the Barlavento Chamber of Commerce (CCB) said this Wednesday that he is “against any attempt to instrumentalize” the Mindelo Carnival and apply fees to the businesspersons as a way to finance the event.

Jorge Maurício reacted to Inforpress following the statements on Tuesday, 14, by the Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Abraão Vicente, according to which there are ways to “tax” those who earn more from Carnival, which, in his opinion, are hotels, catering and business.

According to the president of the CCB, the business association is not a supporter of this type of tax ideology, which, he considered, “is nothing more than a tax hidden as a fee”, when the business class “does not support any more taxes in Cape Verde”.

The same source referred to the inflation currently registered in the country, which has meant, he assured that entrepreneurs are influencing most of the increase in prices.

Source: Inforpress