São Vicente: Cabo Verdean Olympic Committee celebrates 100 years of its founder with golf and tennis tournaments

The Cabo Verdean Olympic Committee (COC) marks the 100th anniversary of its founder, Antero Barros, with several activities, including golf and tennis tournaments in the city of Mindelo, where the COC founder was born.

Antero João de Barros was born in the Monte, in Mindelo in 1922 and died on October 31, 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal.

According to information from the Cabo Verdean Olympic Committee, it was with this “sports lover and expert teacher, who saw sport as an instrument for the formation of man as a being”, Cabo Verde took the first steps towards representation in the Olympic Games and promoted the dissemination of Olympic values in Cabo Verde, still in the 1990s.

Thus, to mark 100th anniversary of his birth, the COC will carry out, in partnership with the Mindelo Golf Club and the São Vicente Tennis Association, tournaments in the two modalities Antero Barros admired.

Source: Inforpress