São Nicolau: Residents claim intervention on the access road to Estância de Brás

The residents of Estância de Brás, in the municipality of Ribeira Brava, claimed this Tuesday, the implementation of rehabilitation works on the road that gives access to this locality, which, according to them, is in “very bad condition”.

In an interview with Inforpress, Victor Evangelista, president of the local community association, said that for “several years” the population has been waiting for interventions on this road, built in colonial times.

“This is an old demand from the population that, for several years, has been demanding, from successive governments and city council teams, works for this road that, due to the development that the locality has been gaining, it is necessary to resolve this situation”, he said.

According to him, drivers often do not want to detour to the location due to the poor condition of the road, which causes “numerous constraints to passengers”.

Source: Inforpress