São Filipe: Community of Salto organizes party for children and food baskets for families

A group of residents and natives of Salto promotes tomorrow, a set of activities at the “Ká Sabino” enclosure for children and seniors from this community and Achada Poio.

The Christmas celebration for children and elderly people, according to one of the elements of the organization, Henriqueta Cardoso, aims to provide a “special care” to children and elderly people in both communities, especially this Christmas season.

In addition to offering a lunch to an average of 120 children and adults from the two communities, gifts will be distributed to 56 children under the age of 12 and basic food baskets to 48 households, in addition to a health fair, which will feature city hall mobile clinic and moments of conviviality.

In São Filipe, the young people of the Elevolution group are preparing and organizing Christmas for December 23 with the children of the district, the III Congress at the local multipurpose centre.

Source: Inforpress