Santo Antão: Aguisa believes that Fontainhas can put the island on the world tourism rout

The selection of the village of Fontainhas to participate in the Upgrade Program of the Best Tourist Villages in the World is “excellent news” for Santo Antão and should place this island “on the route of world tourism”.

The Santo Antão Tourism Guides Association (Aguisa) concludes on the news that the tourist village of Fontainhas, in Ribeira Grande de Santo Antão, has been selected by the World Tourism Organization to participate in the Upgrade Program for the Best Tourist Villages of the world.

“It is excellent news. Fontainhas should experience new times and place Santo Antão and Cape Verde on the world tourism route. Valuing is always the way”, declared the leader of Aguisa, Odair Gomes. In addition, the municipalities of Santo Antão believe that the village of Fontainhas, considered one of the most beautiful in the world, will “one day” become world heritage.

“Fontainhas is nothing less than one of the most beautiful villages in the world and we are convinced that, one day, we will consecrate Fontainhas as a world heritage site”, said the mayor of Porto Novo, Aníbal Fonseca. National Geographic magazine places the town of Fontainhas in the second place of the places “with the best view in the world”, surpassed only by the village of Cordes-sur-Ciel, in the south of France.

Source: Inforpress