Santiago: City Hall of São Salvador do Mundo has already approved management instruments for the financial year of 2023

The Municipal Assembly of São Salvador do Mundo, in the interior of Santiago, approved this Saturday by a majority the budget and plan of activities for 2023, estimated at more than 320 million escudos.

The two proposals were approved in the ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly of São Salvador do Mundo (Picos), held this weekend and had seven votes in favor of the Movement for Democracy (MpD – party that manages the City Hall) and six abstentions of the African Independence Party of Cape Verde (PAICV-opposition).

The leader of the MpD bench, Daniel Vieira, criticized the PAICV for voting abstention, maintaining that “there were no reasons” for this, not least because these two instruments will continue the rehabilitation of houses, support families without income, among other projects aimed at peak development.

For all this, he said he believes that 2023 will be a turning point and the start of “greater development” in this municipality in Santiago.

Source: Inforpress