Sal Island: PR is concerned about the island’s “enormous challenges” in the social area

The President of the Republic (PR), José Maria Neves, expressed his concern this Wednesday about the “enormous” challenges that Sal faces in the social area, lacking a “very attentive” look , whereby he exhorts to a “strong joint millstone.

The social area was the focus of the agenda for the second day of the official visit of the President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, who is in Sal for a period of four days, to take stock of the socio-economic situation of the island, post-pandemic.

Thus, the head of state visited the most needy communities on the island, namely Alto São João, IFH, África 70 and Pedra de Lume, having also met with institutions and NGOs linked to the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and violence and sexual abuse against minors.

“We have huge challenges, first of all, the challenge of habitation… there is still a lot of precariousness, an effort is being made to build new housing, but the deficit is huge”, he calculated, pointing to the need to create a medium-term program and long term, to “face” this habitation problem on the tourist island.

Source: Inforpress