Sal Island: Municipality back to the load with dog and cat castration campaign

The Municipality of Sal is back with a campaign to castrate dogs and cats, counting on the participation of people to participate in the sterilization of a good number of animals, in different locations on the island.

The animal sterilization campaign, in partnership with the German association Förderverein Arche Noah Kreta e.V, started on November 28, extending until December 18.

Over the course of this first week, more than 200 animals have already been neutered, and the intention is to reach a greater number, taking into account the problem of the growing number of stray dogs and cats in the streets of the island of Sal.

According to Carlos Xavier, coordinator of services and canine management, public cleaning, liquid sanitation and operational matters, this time, the campaign focuses on the castration of dogs and cats, with the greatest concern centered on the tourist town of Santa Maria.

Source: Inforpress