Sal Island: Mayor says what the City Hall did during the pandemic “is a notable work”

The mayor of Sal, Júlio Lopes, considered, at the end of the work of the seventh ordinary session of the Municipal Assembly (AM), that the City Hall “does what it does”, during a pandemic, “is a notable work”.

Júlio Lopes, who is already in his second term as mayor of Sal, spoke to the press in a review on the work of this session, in particular consideration of the City Hall’s Activity Report for 2021.

“It is a notable work what we did in the city of Espargos. We requalified our city with asphalting, paved several streets, we made a big work in Santa Maria, which is the requalification of Rua Amílcar Cabral, we completed the work of the boardwalk, we support vulnerable families, we support hundreds of young people, finally… this City Hall during 2021 worked very well”, emphasized the mayor.

Júlio Lopes announced that for now the City Hall will resume the works in the Toy Pedro street, in Preguiça, launch the tender for the completion of the pedestrian street in Palmeira, proceed with the asphalting of Espargos and Santa Maria.

Source: Inforpress