Sal Island: Hospital director considers lack of clarification on breastfeeding

The director of the Ramiro Figueira Hospital, in Sal Island, Cláudia Silva, said today that there is “a lot of lack” of clarifications, myths and beliefs about breastfeeding, which should, however, be eliminated.

Cláudia Silva made these considerations at the end of the World Breastfeeding Week activities, held from the 1st to 7th, under the theme “Strengthening Breastfeeding: Educating and Supporting”, which in Sal ended this Thursday with a roundtable conversation with pregnant adolescents, especially in order to guide them on the importance of breastfeeding.

“Through the roundtable conversation with pregnant women, mothers and other people, we note that there is a need for clarification on the subject…, there are ideas that are not the most correct, and myths need to be worked out with pregnant women, mothers and the population, and families in particular,” the doctor noted.

Highlighting the role of society in the success of breastfeeding, Cláudia Silva spoke, on the other hand, about the importance of “good follow-up” to pregnant women in health facilities, when they discovered that they are pregnant, and also postpartum.

Souce: Inforpress