Sal Island: Experts look at youth employment and employability in the post-pandemic sector

Experts in the matter prospect young employment and employability in the post-pandemic sector, during a round table held this Wednesday, in the context of the meeting promoted by the Employment, Employability and Insertion Program, Jov@Emprego, which takes place in Sal two days ago.

This meeting aims to analyze the results achieved by the Jov@Emprego from 2028 to 2021, discuss some aspects for “greater effectiveness” of management by national bodies, namely the ongoing process of extending the service to different municipalities, gains and challenges, involving the main partners in the implementation of the program.

The round table on “Youth employment and employability in the tourism sector – Perspective for the post-pandemic”, was attended by the executive secretary of the Chamber of Tourism of Sal, Ana Carvalho, and young entrepreneurs Nádia Évora and Eric Gomes.

In making a diagnosis of the situation, Nádia Évora defended a “strong commitment” in the education and qualification of the youth, of human capital, in order to be able to access the job opportunities, highlighting the importance of the professional portfolio.

Source: Inforpress