Sal Island: Children and young people at risk contemplated with training in different areas

Thirty-six children and young people at risk, in Sal, from 12 to 19 years old, were awarded a training in computer science, tourist English, and jewelry, promoted by the Cabo Verdean Institute of Children and Adolescents (ICCA).

After a month of training, the girls and boys benefited from this training, taught by Sal Academy, received this Tuesday their certificates, a way of inclusion, improve their skills, improve knowledge, or simply make a difference, according to the local ICCA Delegate, Queila Soares.

According to the responsible, the idea arose as part of an ICCA project for strengthening and training the technical team and training of children, adolescents and young people, at the national level, developed mainly in the islands of Sal, Boa Vista, São Vicente, Santo Antão and Santiago.

“The project arose given some concerns that we have been working on the various islands linked to our children on some situations of vulnerability and risk, causing school dropout, the street situation, among other problems,” she noted, noting that the project funded by Bornfounden was created at local level and developed at national level.

Source: Infopress