Roy Job criticizes nomination of the music “Prisao” to The Best Morna at CVMA

The U.S. musician and composer Roy Job pointed his finger at the direction of the Cabo Verde Music Awards for nomination the morna “Prisao” for The Best Morna category after the controversy.

In an open letter to the organizers of the event and to which Inforpress had access, the artist said he did not want to talk about himself, but rather about his father, Jorge Job, who died at the end of last year, who was a musician and who “has given to Cabo Verde several compositions, sung and played by different artists throughout all these years”.

One of the songs that, according to the same source, Jorge Job produced was the “Ano Novo”, written before the 60s and which was recently rerecorded in the voice of Neusa de Pina, with another version called “Prisao”, but “keeping the first verse and melody which are intellectual property of Jorge Job”.

“It was with a feeling of dismay that I took knowledge of the same morna is nominated for the “Best Morna” category in the Cabo Verde Music Awards”, revealed Roy Job, adding that his purpose is “to defend respect for memory and the rich musical heritage that Jorge Job left for Cabo Verdean culture”.

Source: Infopress