Public Prosecutor’s Office dismisses investigation on suspicion of corruption against Luís Filipe Tavares

The Public Ministry (MP) understood that there was no evidence to prove the alleged patrimonial promise to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luís Filipe Tavares, following the appointment of Honorary Consul of Cape Verde in Florida, César do Paço.

“There is no evidence that the defendant appointed César do Paço as Honorary Consul and received, in exchange, the Mercedes-Benz vehicle”, reads the dispatch of the MP consulted today by Inforpress.

According to the document signed by the public prosecutor, Kylly Fernandes, simply forwarding the invoice to César do Paço’s advisor, without any added message, from which it is inferred that the vehicle would be César de Paço’s payment to the defendant for his appointment as Consul, “does not constitute any crime” in the Cape Verdean legal system.

“The suspicions conveyed in the media have not been proven and are not sufficient to formulate an accusation. For the Public Prosecutor’s Office to be able to formulate an accusation, it must have evidence that can demonstrate at a trial hearing that the defendant has committed certain criminal offenses. And, that the probability of being condemned is much higher than that of acquittal”, the MP’s dispatch also reads.

Source: Inforpress