Prime Minister to celebrate July 5th with Cabo Verdean community in the USA

The Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, will celebrate the 46th anniversary of the National Independence of Cabo Verde, which is celebrated July 5, with the Cabo Verdean community in the United States of America (USA).

Ulisses Correia e Silva proposes to take a message of confidence, of strengthen resilience and believe in the country.

“Last year we didn’t have practically the celebrations of the July 5th because everything was conditioned. This year everything will continue to be conditioned. So let’s take a message of confidence, of strengthening resilience because we are in a pandemic and of believing in this country,” he said in an interview with Inforpress.

Ulisses Correia e Silva stressed that at the time of the independence celebrations it is always good to look back and see what Cabo Verde has achieved in extremely difficult conditions.

“We are an extremely resilient people, who have experienced many difficulties throughout history, but who remain standing, who have a much greater ambition for development, overcoming difficulties and solving problems. This is our great motivation to celebrate,” he said.

Source: Inforpress