Presidential 2021: Péricles Tavares wants to challenge Carlos Veiga, José Maria Neves and Joaquim Monteiro candidacies

The Péricles Tavares candidacy for the presidential elections delivered on Saturday, in the Constitutional Court (TC), a request to challenge the Carlos Veiga, José Maria Neves and Joaquim Monteiro candidacies, claiming that they have Portuguese nationality.

The information was forwarded to Inforpress, by Péricles Tavares, who said in addition to these candidates, the President of the Republic himself, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, is also undocumented.

Article 110 of the Constitution states that “Only the Cabo Verdean voter citizen of origin who has no other nationality, greater than thirty-five years at the time of the candidature and who, in the three years immediately preceding that date, has had permanent residence in the national territory may be elected”.

Péricles Tavares stated that the first document to be entered in the TC states the President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, is performing functions for a term for which he was not elected by the people.

Source: Inforpress