Praia: Tabanca Municipal Day is celebrated with parade of group

The City Hall of Praia holds today, in Largo Amílcar Cabral, a parade to commemorate the Tabanca Municipal Day, which has been marked since 2017, today.

The Director of Culture, Adilson Spínola, explained to Inforpress that they intend with this event to recognize the contribution the Tabanca has made to the cultural development of Cabo Verde, especially in the City of Praia.

In this sense, he announced that a certificate and kit including drums, horns and “baguetes” will be delivered to the Tabanca groups from Achada Santo António, Várzea and Achada Grande Frente.

Adilson Spínola has, however, said that City Hall is doing a study so that there is a policy directed towards this cultural manifestation, with the creation of a tourist itinerary.

Source: Inforpress