Praia: Artist Kassanaya presents sculpture exhibition “Percurso”

The artist José Brazão, but known as Kassanaya, present from Tuesday to September 3, at the IILP “Casa Cor de Rosa” facility in the city of Praia, an exhibition of sculpture called “Percurso”.

The exhibition, according to the artist, brings together more than 20 works of sculptures from various projects developed throughout his career as an artist in Cabo Verde and Portugal and new works with pieces of ceramics in stone.

“I lived many years outside Cabo Verde and triggered an artistic process which brought from Cabo Verde out, and in Portugal I started using other types of material, in this case the stone”, he explained.

He pointed out that the exhibition has works from his first project called “Ali bem tempo” and with projects developed over the eight years he was in the islands.

Kassanaya said his works are inspired by Cabo Verde, but stressed that in recent times the focus has been on the sea, because its something that is interconnected to Cabo Verdeans, to show and to raise awareness among people the sea is the source of inspiration, food, but also to warn about the business constructions created on the slopes.

Source: Inforpress