PR considers that Cape Verdean culture is a “precious stone” that connects the country to the world

The President of the Republic said Tuesday that Cape Verdean culture is a “precious stone and a bond of union” that links the archipelago to the world and that remittances from emigrants


have been “important” for the country’s development.


“Our diaspora has made a great contribution to the affirmation of Cape Verdeanity, of our culture and, also, the affirmation of Cabo Verde as a whole”, pointed out José Maria Neves, for whom the financial remittances of emigrants have been “important” for the growth and development of the country, as well as the remittance of ideas.


The Head of State, speaking in a message to Cape Verdeans, on the Culture and Communities Day, celebrated today, recognized that the spirit of openness that the diaspora has brought to Cape Verde contributed greatly that today the country is “better known and more open to the world”.


“Now, it is time for us to work so that our diaspora asserts itself and constantly gain more and more quality and ambition in order to participate in the development of Cape Verde.” He said, adding that, with technologies of information, the “talented diaspora” spread abroad at the service of the affirmation of culture, improvement of the quality of education and health in the archipelago.


Source: Inforpress


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