Portuguese-Cabo Verdean writer wins Natalia Correia Literary Prize 2022

The Portuguese-Cabo Verdean writer Henrique Levy is the winner of the Natália Correia Literary Prize 2022, announced this Saturday, September 3, in Ponta Delgado, Azores, which includes original and unpublished works, written in Portuguese.

The Prize’s jury, established by the City Hall of Ponta Delgada, decided unanimously to distinguish the work entitled “Vinte e Sete Cartas de Artemísia”, by Henrique Levy, with the pseudonym Gertrudes Magna, who is a poet and novelist.

For the jury, this work is a “notable novel for the originality of writing and thought”, in which concern and wisdom intersect in the questions concerning the human condition.

According to Ana Aguiar de Pina, the formal architecture of this novel is “full of a surprising sensitivity to the paths of contemporary romance”, allowing itself be attracted by the “creative impurity the genre has developed in recent times, by dare to transgress conventions to explore a whole territory in which literature is open to epistolography, poetry, philosophical essay and history”.

Source: Infopress