Portugal: Sixteen Cape Verdeans among the 100 most influential black personalities in Lusophony

Sixteen Cape Verdeans, including artists, athletes, social activists and entrepreneur are among the 100 black personalities of the Lusophone year for the magazine ‘Bantumen’, which in 2021 created a ‘Power List’ of black personalities.

The list includes humorist Carlos “Artolash” Andrade, the builder of the Orlando Pantera Foundation, Darlene Barreto, musicians Dino D’Santiago, Djodje and Soraia Ramos, Celso Morais, author, composer, performer and producer, social activists José “Sinho ” Baessa de Pina, vice-president of the Cavaleiros de São Brás Association, Isabel Moniz, president of the Colmeia Association, and José Luís Martins, mentor of the Zé Luís Solidário project.

Irlando Ferreira, Kathy Moeda, presenter and digital influencer, entrepreneur Dominick Donk, athletes Edy Tavares, basketball player representing Real Madrid, Marina Correia, Longboard Dancing athlete, Nancy Moreira, professional boxer, and Pany Varela, futsal athlete representing Sporting de Portugal, complete the list of 16 Cape Verdeans.

The list of the “100 Most Influential Black Personalities in Lusophony in 2022” was released this weekend, in Lisbon, by ‘Bantumen’, a digital platform centered on black culture, which this year repeated the 2021 initiative that created a ‘ Power List’ of black personalities.

Source: Inforpress