Portugal: Presenter proposes title “Doctor Honoris Causa” to writer and gastronome Maria de Lourdes Chantre

The presenter of the work “History, Tradition and New Flavors of Cape Verde Cuisine” by Maria de Lourdes Chantre, proposed this Tuesday, in Lisbon, the attribution of the title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” to the Cape Verdean writer and gastronome.

The proposal was made by Otília Leitão, who presented the work with the seal of Rosa de Porcelana Editora, together with Alice Matos, in a room at the Grémio Literário de Lisboa that was completely full.

“The University of Cape Verde can propose the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the gastronome Maria de Lourdes Chantre”, she said, also considering the possibility of creating an award with the name of the writer, as well as the creation of a specific master’s degree that allows the study of Cape Verdean gastronomy.

Otília Leitão also congratulated the author for having introduced a chapter in the book about women, a theme that also deserved congratulations from presenter Alice Matos.

Source: Inforpress