Porto Novo/Ribeira dos Bodes: Residents demand interventions on the access road

The situation of the access road to Ribeira dos Bodes, in the countryside of the municipality of Porto Novo, in Santo Antão, is worrying the residents, who today, the 1st, once again ask for interventions in this access road.

The residents of Ribeira dos Bodes reported that in some places of this road already needs an intervention to facilitate the movement of vehicles and for the safety of people, who have been alerting to the state of this road.

The representative of this community, Henrique da Luz, acknowledged that, in fact, the access road to Ribeira dos Bodes needs to be improved “in some parts”, but suggested the works to be done after the rainy season, because whenever it rains, the road, which is dirt road, is cut off.

“The road already needs interventions but it would be prudent to be done after the rains, whenever it rains the road is cut off,” Henrique da Luz said. The Government recently announced that the access roads to Dominguinhas, Ribeira Fria and Ribeira dos Bodes are the roads already identified to receive requalification works “in the coming years”

Souce: Inforpress