Porto Novo: Investments in sanitation in 2023 exceed 17 billion escudos

The municipality of Porto Novo, in Santo Antão, will receive, throughout this year 2023, investments in improving sanitation that exceed 17 million escudos, according to the activity plan of the city hall of Porto Novo.

This year should also be marked by the start of the investments foreseen in the framework of the Santo Antão water and sanitation project, which, among others, foresees the expansion of the sewage network in the city of Porto Novo and the installation of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

The city of Porto Novo, with ten thousand inhabitants, has an obsolete sewerage network, which manages to cover only 20 percent (%) of the population, which constantly calls for a solution to the sewerage management problem in this city.

Within the scope of the Santo Antão water and sanitation project, estimated at over PTE million, the local authorities expect “a profound restructuring” of the entire sanitation system in Porto Novo, through the expansion of the sewage network, with the installation of 12 kilometers of pipeline.

Source: Inforpress