Petition on “more and better justice” in conditions to be analyzed in the National Assembly

The Specialized Commission on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights, Security and State Reform gave a favorable opinion to the petition on “more and better Justice”, signed by more than 570 citizens, claiming to be in a position to be considered in the National Assembly.

The information was given to the press by the president of the 1st Commission, Carmem Martins, during the meeting to consider petitions, mainly for “more and better Justice”, a petition by the Voices of Cape Verdean Emigrants Association (AVECV) for the elimination of the 200,000 escudos on vehicle imports and customs storage fees.

As the deputy said, the relatively recent right to exercise petitions is not widely used yet, but currently, parliament has been receiving petitions for consideration.

“We had already started in other meetings, but there was a need to see, for example, the issue of subscriptions, the 500 signatures or a favorable opinion from the commission that analyzes the petitions so that the plenary actually appreciates the petitions”, underlined Carmem Martins.

Source: Inforpress