Participation of 10 Cabo Verdean companies in the Web Summit 2021 represents an investment in the promotion of the country – Government

The Secretary of State for Digital Economy, Pedro Lopes, said today that the participation of 10 Cabo Verdean companies in the Web Summit 2021 represents an opportunity for young people and a Government’s investment in the promotion of Cabo Verde.

The president made these statements, in statements to the press, on the sidelines of the GoGlobal 2021opening meeting, held in Praia, with the aim of sharing essential information of the Web Summit 2021, which takes place in Lisbon, from November 1 to 6.

GoGlobal, which aims to develop an environment conducive to technological entrepreneurship, represents a joint effort between the Government and public and private entities at the national level.

The head of the Digital Economy portfolio said that, despite a difficult situation, the Government wanted to continue to give opportunities to young Cabo Verdeans, materializing their participation in one of the largest technological fairs in the world.

Source: Inforpress